On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 05:30:57 pm pew_from_hobart wrote:

> > Try 'hcitool scan' from a command-line
> > (Alt+F2, enter 'gnome-terminal', hit [Enter], type 'hcitool scan', after
> > having turned your phone and its Bluetooth function on)
> I did what you said eg command:
> hcitool scan
> gives message:
> No such device
> and yes my mobile phone was switched on with Tools / Connectivity /
> Bluetooth / Mode / On & visible

That's the message that is returned by 'hcitool' when there is no usable 
Bluetooth adapter on your computer. See if it needs to be turned on by some 
hardware switch (assuming here that you actually HAVE an adapter on your 

> btw -- what is the shell command to close the terminal (shell) window? (I
> just clicked on the [x] in the top-right corner of the window)

That'll do it...  else type 'exit' in the terminal window and hit [Enter]


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