Hi Samps & Ubuntu-au list

On 28/01/2008, Samps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 05:30:57 pm pew_from_hobart wrote:
> > > Try 'hcitool scan' from a command-line
> > > (Alt+F2, enter 'gnome-terminal', hit [Enter], type 'hcitool scan',
> after
> > > having turned your phone and its Bluetooth function on)
> >
> > I did what you said eg command:
> > hcitool scan
> >
> > gives message:
> > No such device
> >

I *DO* Have a USB Bluetooth Dongle plugged into one of my USB ports. I
removed it the plugged it into another USB port.

This time I did not get the "No such device" message... instead I got
"Scanning ..." followed by another shell prompt.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...

The USB Bluetooth Dongle I am using does *NOT* have any switch/es on it. It
does however has a LED which blinks on/off at approx 3-4 second intervals.

> and yes my mobile phone was switched on with Tools / Connectivity /
> > Bluetooth / Mode / On & visible
> >
> That's the message that is returned by 'hcitool' when there is no usable
> Bluetooth adapter on your computer. See if it needs to be turned on by
> some
> hardware switch (assuming here that you actually HAVE an adapter on your
> computer).

As I mentioned above, yes, I have a USB Bluetooth Dongle installed in a USB

> Samps

          PEW   ;-)))

Fond Regards,
Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS

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