Dear all,

Recently I sent an email around asking for information of where to get a
laptop,, linux compatible, without Microsoft bundled in with the deal.
This appears to be difficult.

Accordingly. I have written an email (and will follow up with a phone call
soon) about the situation.
I believe that only through consumer action can this competition-unhealthy
situation be resolved.

I urge you all to also contact the ACCC about this issue. The more we are
heard, the more likely something might be done about it.

Here below is the email I sent to the ACCC:


To whom it may concern,

I would like to inquire into the legality within Australia of the following

Lenovo computers, has a deal with microsoft that;
1. All lenovo computers must be sold with Microsoft Windows Vista
2. Consumers have no choice in this matter. They can neither opt for No
operating system, or opt for a different operating system.
3. Consumers must also pay for this extra product which they did not ask
for, and quite likely do not want. Windows vista is an operating system
which has been over time shown to be lacking driver support and software
compatibility. It is not acceptable that this is through deals between
Lenovo (and most other hardware providers) and Microsoft, consumer choice
suffers in this manner.

Please advise me as to

a) the view point of Australian law, with issues such as these.
b) What action I can take .
c) How the ACCC can help me in this matter.

Please write your own complaint, in your own words, and help provide a more
competitive environment with the computing industry!

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