
It is not an issue of compatibility.
I am not debating the compatibility of Lenovo laptops with Ubuntu.
I am debating the legality of Microsoft and Lenovo not providing the option
NOT to buy microsoft products WITH Lenovo laptops.
This is anti-competitive behavior, something which Microsoft has already had
trouble with in various countries. Including their home country, the USA.
When you buy a Lenovo laptop, one is FORCED to buy microsoft windows vista
on top of that.
I have already confirmed with vgcomputing via email, and had correspondence
from one 'Bob' there.
He is NOT able to sell provide me with (or himself at least) with a Lenovo
laptop that does not have VISTA on it already.
He is (as he tells me) not able to provide, or receive a refund for removing
vista from a laptop.

Please see email below:

Hello Sean,

For Linux I do typically recommend the Lenovo Thinkpad range. Generally
these laptops have always worked well with Linux and tend to be the best

Unfortunately we can only receive laptops with a version of Windows
pre-installed from the manufacturer and we are unable to remove it for a
refund. We have been trying to obtain a good quality laptop with
excellent linux compatibility without Windows pre-installed for quite a
while now but we have been unsuccessful thus far. A few people have
reported being able to obtain a refund from the manufacturer after
purchasing the laptop but this may not always be possible.

For your needs I would actually recommend the Lenovo Thinkpad SL500 or
the Lenovo Thinkpad T500. Here are the specifications and a quote.

etc etc
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