On 7 Nov, 03:40, Microbe <xxxmicrobe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Damn I wish I had blogged my entire experience with this - maybe
> someone would do something about it.
> Deciding to persevere I have been trying to install Medibuntu for the
> last 24 hours based on suggestions (thanks!)

Good Day  Microbe  ,from a new member on this list and only been using
for since ver 8 something or other .

Although posting using windows xp  & Firefox as a browser  (dual

So had a bit of a smile and thought it was not only me type thoughts .

Not sure if my post will help you  But my early experiences were much
the same as yours

When first installed ubuntu ran it from the live disc  and thought hey
that works for me .I will install

Then it started   a bit like your tale of woe .

I buggered about got all twisted up   fiddled with packages grub and
eventually stuffed up things pretty badly .

So  out came   G parted  and I wiped every partition except windows .
Created some  free cspace and resized  .
Closed down  went to bed

Next day (weekend )  started afresh  Just installed  largest
contiguous space IIRC
shut down rebooted  and fiddled with pppoeconf to get connected
started upgrade via
update  went and mowed the lawns

Came back   needed a reboot because teh machine said so :)

Did that  =sweet as a nut  EXCEPT   NO SOUND !
went to google   3 mins and found the fix   ( it was not restricted
packages by the way but an alsa fiddle  (now back it appears in 9.10
but cant fix it)
so reverted  to earlier  version sweet as a nut again .

I am at a  bit  of a loss when trying to replicate your problems
(using 9.10)  on another machine  (that I can use without fear of
buggering it up)

Then same thing happened     Yikes I said he is right  ------------
WRONG   it was the upstream  provider of our ISP that was having
bottleneck problems   both with telstra  and  singtel   ?
Next try at about 3 am     No problem .

Thus I fixed things but no idea how :)  But reckon  it may be some
left over crud  from early attempts
Thus G  parted and a nice clean  install  and try again   may be the
go ?

> Sorry people, but despite your best efforts right now Ubuntu is just
> for geeks.

I can sense  what you feel having thought exactly the same thing
but  the problem was my haste  and lack of knowledge  and no way am I
even close to a geek

And to be honest   some of those geek types  have really educated me
in nice simple terms
and 99.8% the error was my inability to stop thinking in windows terms
and   inputs .

That said  you see on a lot of the forums   cryptic short hand that is
Linux centric with some of the terminology

Take me away from sudo and apt get    then I am lost  ---- in some of
the chatter
But  I admire how helpful strangers are   and so damned fast  in
replying with  the try this  or enter this string and send me  x or y
so we can have
a look at it and help etc .
If they are geeks  thne they are bloody nice  bunch  and always in my
experience able to get me out of the spot  which increases my learning
curve no end .

> Being obstinate and because I enjoy learning to overcome these sort of
> obstacles I am still going to keep trying, but there is no way I would
> recommend Ubuntu to anyone as a Windows replacement.

You know  I have never thought of it (ubuntu) as a 100% windows
but a very powerful and  at last easy to use adjunctive  add on  .
Perhaps because work forces us to stay with MSOFT gear a fair bit.

I must say  my productivity  and pleasure at 'puters  is now far more
enjoyable .

But every now & then I wonder why  do things like sound and soem
graphics  printers etc
just work out of the box .

A large part is the drivers  but now not as much a pain as say a year
which are just plain deaf  to requests and useless
Nvidia came up with a fix   after a request  and nwo is a blinder on a
24 inch screen (better than when in windows for some reason)

Again not sure this post helps you   but you are not alone  when
starting down the different path

Not sure what part of the Country you are in  but when all else fails
a nip or two of moonshine  and a sleep on the problem often fixes it
Just wish at times what I did to come up with that fix :)

However, I have ditched 9.10  and gone back to the version before
and the systems are back to being bullet proof


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