On Apr 13, 10:41 am, Jared Norris <jrnor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To my knowledge all this is correct, Melissa is the team contact. I
> personally do not know of anyone active in the Ubuntu-AU that could come
> close to knowing enough about how Canonical works to replace what Melissa
> contributes to us all. I'm not against other people learning about these
> sorts of things but I am pretty sure it would require a fair bit of effort
> for a person to become familiar with all that is required and wouldn't be
> learnt overnight. Melissa, I tip my hat to you, thank you for your efforts
> and I hope other people are willing to put their hand up to help you out.

Jared, lets me just start with saying I also think Melissa has done a
great job, my very first post in this list acknowledged that. However
there does not seem to be an opportunity to even ask a normal question
let alone ask, or heaven forbid suggest, someone else learns to do
what Melissa is currently doing.

Leaving politics out of this. The current system stifles initiative of
regular members. We don't know who to ask what and we don't get
answers anyway. If, and thats a big if, there was an open and
transparent system then it would be much easier in my way of thinking
to know who to ask what. I for one don't need, nor do I want, anyone
to tell me what to do and when to do it, but I do need to know what
the structure of this community is so I can decide where my talents
are best placed. Unfortunately nothing here is apparently obvious so
we have in this current system 2 alternatives, 1. we ask a question
publicly and hope the person who knows the answer, who ever that may
be, sees the question and answers it, or 2. we just go on our merry
way and hope whatever we do is ok with everyone else.

Michael (k3lt01).

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