On Sat, 2010-05-15 at 22:55 +1000, Tony "H.G" Candito wrote: 
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Jared Norris <jrnor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This same small
> > group of people then flooded the mailing list with email after email
> > essentially just rehashing the same thing over and over again.
> Lot's of hidden ass-kissing and contradictions. People weren't helping
> precisely because Mellisa has the "keys" to the car in the first
> place, and the very prospect of that being up for dispute made people
> contribute (if you'd call talking about said keys going to someone
> else contribution). I'm not sure how this is not all blatantly
> obvious.

I honestly believe that those who contacted the LoCo council about their
"alternate loco" (for lack of a better name) with no discussion of their
actions on the list to be unethical.  It strike me that those involved
in this group/faction were only motivated by their own ego, and this
post confirms that.  My 2 year old son enjoy wrecking something my older
son is enjoying just because he can't do what he likes - I see some
parallels here.

> These walls of texts aren't going to do much good. Telling people they
> have "freedom to do whatever" is one of the reasons the LoCo was
> rejected, there is no direction, support or ownership in it's current
> structure, and I don't care how controversial it is to say it's
> because of who's in place.

It seem that you (and possibly others) have personal issues with
Melissa.  I don't think this list is the appropriate forum for you (and
others) to continue their vendetta against her.  Lets develop a process
for making decisions and moving forward, rather than attack Melissa.  I,
like others, think that Melissa has done a good job of being the team
contact for the LoCo, for a start she has tried to grow it, not smash

> Flame on.

Hardly a constructive way to end your contribution.



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