Is it our responsibility to create positive impression about others proprietary 
or copyrighted materials which has legal and moral conflict with us? We FOSS 
people from beginning are against proprietary file formats. We need to convince 
people why mp3 is evil but ogg is not. We should not promote people to use mp3 
or other proprietary formats.
We have had this argument a lot of times before, Linux IS NOT to promote doors 
or windows. I know there are a lot of popular softwares which run only on 
Windows. It is more appropriate to ask the software makers to make them 
available for Linux instead of asking Linux developers to hack the software to 
run on it. Besides, most of the proprietary softwares prohibits any kind of 
modification, or reverse engineering clearly in their terms and condition. Just 
because we are doing in some cases (mosly for personal reason and then sharing 
that knowledge) and nothing is happening does not make these legal in the eye 
of justice.
The games which run on windows only, one will need FOSS app Wine to run on it 
and that is NO GOOD REASON why Wine should be included in the main distro. If 
needed, the user should do it separately and instead of having negative 
impression about us, they should have the negative impression about those who 
took their freedom away. We are not robin hood or pirates of hi-tech industry.
Remember, popular is not equal to good.

--- On Mon, 4/27/09, dark lord <> wrote:

> From: dark lord <>
> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BD] SUPER ubuntu
> To: "Ubuntu Bangladesh" <>
> Received: Monday, April 27, 2009, 11:02 AM
> যখন নতুন
> ইউজার ইনস্টল দিয়ে
> দেখবে ভিডিও এমপি৩
> চালাতে পারবেনা গেম
> খেলতে
> পারবেনা তখন তাদের
> উবুন্টু বা লিনাক্স
> সম্পর্কে নেগেটিভ
> ধারনা  স্ ষ্টি
> হবেনা ?
> On 4/27/09, নাসির খান <>
> wrote:
> > এধরনের আরও অনেক
> উবুন্টু খুজলে পাওয়া
> যাবে। কিন্তু মূল
> উবুন্টু দেয়াই ভালো । ঐ
> > উবুন্টু দেয়া হলে
> একেবারেই নতুন উবুন্টু
> ব্যবহারকারীরা ভুল
> বুঝতে পারে। অন্ধকে
> > দুধ চেনানোর মত হয়ে
> গেলে সমস্যা।
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Nasir Khan Saikat
> > [নাসির খান সৈকত]
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ubuntu Bangladesh mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> -- 
> Ubuntu Bangladesh mailing list

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