2008/4/13, Steven Roose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Hi all,
>  i am looking for a good musicplayer for allready a long time.
>  i want him 1 to be cross-platform 2. not to take much mem/cpu and 3 to
>  have good music play/stock functions.
>  i yesterday tried songbird, but it took tooo many mem because of the
>  buildin web browser.
>  i hope one of you can help me.
>  Steven

I don't know for cross-platform .. but you have many choice :

Exaile - http://www.exaile.org/
Listen - http://www.listen-project.org/
Amarok - http://amarok.kde.org/
gmusicbrowser - http://squentin.free.fr/gmusicbrowser/gmusicbrowser.html
Muine - http://muine-player.org/
Quod Libet - http://www.sacredchao.net/quodlibet/
Audacious - http://audacious-media-player.org/
Xmms - http://www.xmms.org/
Xmms2 - http://wiki.xmms2.xmms.se/

My 2 cents


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