This is a discussion that's been around for a long time now.
It has been a topic on almost half of the ubuntu-be IRC meetings.
(although they weren't listed on the wikipage)

There should be no discussion on what language you speak.
If you want to talk in French, Dutch, German or English, do so.
Do keep in mind tough, that you'll only reach a part of the audience.
Some might not understand you, and others might learn something ;)
But just give a thought on what audience you're targeting.
For example: Don't go ask for volunteers for an even in Ghent trough a
German or French text.
You might reach more people when talking Dutch and/or English.
(the obvious to state the obvious)

As a personal thought, I don't really care what language the text is in.
If it's French, I'll try to read it. If it's English or Dutch, I'll read
Whenever I write, it's in English, so other people from other country's
can (eventually) find and understand info in our archives.

Creating separate groups would be as useful as giving up Ubuntu-be and
have the Dutch part enlist on ubuntu-nl, the French part enlist on
ubuntu-fr, etc..
(that's how it basically is atm)

So far my opinion. But I've shared it many times on the IRC meeting,
just as JanC and jean did. But it never ended the discussion. :(
Hope it made a difference this time.


Mike Morraye

On Sun, 2009-07-12 at 01:09 +0200, Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op zaterdag 11-07-2009 om 23:23 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef martijn
> cielen:
> > 1. Het consequente gebruik van het Engels. Dit is België, en hier zijn
> > 3 officiële landstalen: Nederlands, Frans en Duits. Het gebruik van
> > het Engels is dan ook compleet belachelijk, temeer daar een grote
> > meerderheid niet eens deftig Engels kan schrijven (ja, ik ben een
> > taalpurist). Ben je niet tweetalig? Of zitten er mensen op de lijst
> > die niet tweetalig zijn?
> > Begrijpelijk, maar dat brengt me meteen bij punt 2.
> There are many people who are bilingual mother-tongue/English, which is
> exactly why we initially stated that we prefer English on this list.
> It's also no crime to make grammar/spelling errors (just try to make
> sure most people understand).  Except for 1 or 2 people on the list,
> English is not their native tongue.
> And it's no crime to write in Dutch/French/German if you don't feel
> comfortable to write in English (even if it's appreciated if you do).
> > 2. Ubuntu-be: waarom niet opsplitsen in een Ubuntu-vla en een
> > Ubuntu-wal (bijvoorbeeld). Zo het sowieso veel makkelijker maken,
> > aangezien Vlaanderen en Wallonië (o.a.) qua bedrijfscultuur totaal
> > verschillend zijn (ik heb in beide landsdelen gewerkt).
> I know & have worked with people from several parts of Belgium (and
> outside of Belgium), and I don't see that many differences?  Can you
> please explain?
> Also, considering that we barely have enough volunteers now, how do you
> expect us to have enough volunteers if we split up in 4 or more
> different groups?
> To give one point-of-reference: Jean, who's been coordinating most of
> the computer fair booths recently, is French-speaking natively, but
> living in Flanders (and he speaks Dutch very well!).  Why would we want
> him to limit his work to Flanders, and not Wallonia or Brussels?
> > 3. Een totaal gebrek aan leiderschap dat inderdaad leidt tot
> > maandenlange discussies over non-issues. Hoog tijd om een volwaardig
> > bestuur aan te stellen.
> Do you have any proof that that will make things better?   ;)
> BTW: I don't oppose establishing a "council" or something like that (I
> can see some advantages to it), just that I'm not convinced that that is
> the magic solution for all the perceived problems.
> > 4. Versnippering van informatie: een oud zeer waar nodig aan gewerkt
> > moet worden.
> What exactly do you mean by that?  Information is certainly lacking in
> some areas, but what do you mean by "versnippering" here?
> PS: I'm happy to see any responses, reactions, critiques, etc. to this
> thread!
> -- 
> Jan Claeys

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