Seems I face the same!!
Since last week I can not more upgrade Feisty. Always I get below strange lines 
in my terminal/Console and it looks as if there is a broken output. I stuck 
with 100 upgradeable packages and no Synaptic, no Adept works out. always it 
Any advsie welcome

E: Sub-process if dpkg -s apt-listbugs | grep -q '^Status: .* ok installed'; 
then /usr/sbin/apt-listbugs apt || ( test $? -ne 10 || exit 10; echo 'Warning: 
apt-listbugs exited abnormally, hit enter key to continue.' 1>&2 ; read a < 
/dev/tty ); fi returned an error code (10)
E: Failure running script if dpkg -s apt-listbugs | grep -q '^Status: .* ok 
installed'; then /usr/sbin/apt-listbugs apt || ( test $? -ne 10 || exit 10; 
echo 'Warning: apt-listbugs exited abnormally, hit enter key to continue.' 1>&2 
; read a < /dev/tty ); fi

apt-listbugs stops ungracefully

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