Hi !

> ---------------------
>   Sleep
>   Hibernate
>   Restart
>   Shut Down
> ---------------------
>   Lock Screen
>   Switch Account...
>   Log Out

Do you think we should have so many items in the System menu ? This is
the way Mac OS X does it, but it has much fewer items (doesn't have
Hibernate, nor Lock Screen, and Switch Account is located somewhere

And considering that you chosse "Restart" for instance, you still need
to display some confirmation dialog, and you still need to know whether
the user wants to save the session or not...

Couldn't we just separate this into just two categories : on the one
hand, actions that are going to induce a change on the system state
(rebbot, or any kind of sleep/shutdown action), and the ones that only
concerns user-switching related issues ?

What I mean is :

* Two items in the system menu. We need to find good titles for those,
but for example "Manage session" and "Shut Down" (huh, there's probably
much better ^^). Each item brings up a separate dialog, with
respectively 3 and 4 buttons (similar to what I have done so far) plus
"Cancel" and "Save session" checkbox.

* Pressing the power button brings up the "Shut Down" dialog (4

* Clicking on the top-right icon brings up the "Manage session" (this
name is definitely bad ^^) dialog.

Somethings that bothers me is that we would have different places
(top-right and System menu) where the same actions could be found, and
I'm not convinced it's the best thing to do... Is the top-right icon
really a good idea ? Or couldn't we just replace it with a mini-menu,
with just two items (like above) ? And in that case, would having these
same two items in both locations (top-right and System menu) be really
necessary (we could just remove them from the System menu) ?

Pesonnally, I think that the upper-right part of the panel is already
cluttered enough, and we should keep those actions in the System menu...
Is there some place on the wiki where strong arguments in favor of the
top-right icon are shown ?


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