Le lundi 05 mai 2008 à 09:11 -0400, Blaise Alleyne a écrit :
> Billy Cina wrote:
> > George Farris wrote:
> >> On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 10:38 +0300, Billy Cina wrote:
> >>   
> >>>> Right, so if we want to use the manual in our Community Education course
> >>>> to introduce and teach Ubuntu Linux while charging the student a fee for
> >>>> the course, this would be okay?
> >>>>
> >>>> Note: these are not degree courses they fall into the same category as
> >>>> "learn to paint" or "better life through yoga".  Strictly for community
> >>>> personal interest with charges usually between $50.00 - $199.00
> >>>>   
> >>>>       
> >>> Non-profit are key words. $50 - $199.00 sounds like profit seeking to me.
> >>>
> >>> Billy Cina
> >>>     
> >>
> >> Exactly which brings me back to the original question.  
> >>
> >> It seems a little out of touch with the rest of Ubuntu.  
> >>
> >> If one can take Hardy Heron and use it to present a course on Linux
> >> while charging for the course, why wouldn't you have the license similar
> >> for the documents?  Charge for the course (not the material) but use the
> >> material to refer to in the course.
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >>
> >>   
> > Dear George and Blaise,
> >
> > Am addressing both in the same email.
> Thanks for the response.
> > 
> > Ubuntu is a free distribution and will always continue to be free.  
> > However, this does not mean that every service provided to support 
> > Ubuntu or its further expansion must also be free.
> Free as in price or freedom? No one expects that every service provided to 
> support Ubuntu will be provided at no cost, but one does expect Canonical to 
> have a more consistent respect for the freedom central to the open source 
> software it provides. Using a non-free license by choice seems inconsistent 
> with Canonical's stated mission of "facilitating the continued growth and 
> development of the free software community" since it's inconsistent with the 
> community's beliefs and restricts its development. [0]
> > Both the Ubuntu 
> > community  and Canonical have invested a lot of time and money in 
> > developing this course,
> I don't think anyone takes for granted the effort that's gone into this 
> project, which is why it'd be a shame if the fruits of that labour are only 
> unavailable under a non-free license, limiting their value and usage.
> > it is therefor reasonable for: a. the community 
> > to be able to use the material (freely) to further spread the work of 
> > Ubuntu and grow the user base, 
> The important point raised is that the community /isn't/ able to use to the 
> work freely, in the sense of freedom, only in the sense of price. Community 
> members are in a legal grey area, at best, if they want to be compensated for 
> any time and money they spend on training if they make use of these materials 
> because of the non-commercial clause.
> > and b. for Canonical to determine who 
> > should be seeking a profit out of its investment.
> It's reasonable, in the sense that Canonical has the legal right to make such 
> a decision. But Canonical (and the community) would benefit from some 
> consistency in their commitment to free software and free culture. If 
> everyone in the free software world believed it was reasonable "to determine 
> who should be seeking a profit out of [their] investment[s]," Canonical 
> wouldn't have a distribution.
Totally agreed. If you don't want to make the community documentation
(really) free, please just tell it and benevolent people will go
elsewhere to work. I don't think we're willing to spend time on
restricted material, we have better to do. Ubuntu is not just a
competitor to Microsoft, it is free software - please don't play with
definitions of free.

To me, it's a shame this point is discussed; I believed this was just a
mistake, but no, this is a strategic choice... Would you like to release
Ubuntu under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license too? Hopefully you
can't, but what is for you the difference between the software and its
documentation? Please be consistent.

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