On Sun, 2016-09-11 at 12:52 -0400, Tom H wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net>
> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > You are quoting me out of context. The context is that the poor
> > can't
> > donate new computers and they can't pay for infrastructure, such as
> > internet access for everyone. _BUT_ rich people could, they are
> > just
> > not interested in doing it, they are greedy.
> You mean selfish. So what? We all are!
> I've only read a quarter (or less) of the posts in this thread so I
> don't know how it went from "32-bit ISOs are being deprecated" to
> social and economic pseudo-commentary (I can make an educated guess!)
> but do you really think that this is the best use of
> ubuntu-devel-discuss@?

As much as I enjoy discussing economics, it's really hard to separate
this from political contexts.

The major point of contention is whether Ubuntu targets old systems and
third-world e-reuse programs.  I have said an organization specifically
targeting those uses and managing collection, software provision, and
distribution would be more-efficient (cheaper) and more-effective
(better results) than tacking on so-called "support" for an imaginary,
ill-defined, and minority use case to a general-purpose effort.

There is no use dragging around a boat anchor just in case you meet
someone who has a boat.  Someone else is already in the business of
making and selling boat anchors.

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