I think the point in the original post was that Wubi 13.04 was broken and
doesn't work with Windows 8 UEFI, not that there's a risk of data loss.

There's also no evidence that I have seen to indicate that Wubi causes data
loss in Windows 8. The Windows boot manager won't give you any choice if
you have hibernated Windows, and therefore it's not possible to boot Wubi
with normal hibernation. And if "fast-start" is enabled the Windows 8 boot
manager also removes this hibernated system session prior to booting Wubi.
This is more of a problem on a normal dual boot, and even then, unless you
force-mount the NTFS partition you shouldn't see any data loss.

You can refer to this bug report for more info:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntfs-3g/+bug/1043149 The only
issue shown there is if you enable hybrid-sleep (not switched on by
default), and even then there's no data loss - just the partition can't be
mounted so Wubi doesn't boot.

So, if we go back to the original point, given that Wubi 13.04 is easily
fixable, are your "guesstimates" of usage high or low? Are they based on
the downloads of Wubi.exe? Any numbers on that?


On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs

> On 8 April 2013 18:01, bcbc bcbc <openb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It's hard to make an informed decision without knowing the usage stats of
> > Wubi. If it's quite low then I expect there'd be little impact, but if
> it's
> > popular then it's taking a low-risk installation method away from users
> who
> > might otherwise not have tried Ubuntu. Does Canonical have any
> statistics on
> > this?
> >
> The point that it's not low-risk any more. It can cause data-loss on
> windows 8 side when it's hibernated.
> W.r.t. statistics - we don't have them, as with all open-source
> software it's free to distribute and we do not have any central point
> to measure install base. And we will not be introducing one either, as
> it is against our project. We can guesstimate, but it will be
> guesstimates.
> > Re. the bugs. I had a look at "Wubi fails to detect 12.04.2 and 13.04
> AMD64
> > ISO"  https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/1134770 and found that the
> fix is
> > a one-liner configuration file change (in data/isolist.ini).
> >
> > The fix for "13.04 installer doesn't create user account"
> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/1155704 could be to simply remove
> the
> > disk-image installs from 13.04. This again is a two line removal from the
> > same configuration file.
> >
> > I've patched and tested both 12.04.2 and 13.04 with these changes to
> confirm
> > they work.
> >
> > Re. Windows 8: that may not be solvable right now, but I expect there are
> > still many more BIOS-based computers out there than UEFI. And the regular
> > dual boot for UEFI has many problems as well. Wubi could probably be
> smarter
> > about checking whether Windows is booting through UEFI and exit
> gracefully
> > prior to downloading the ISO/diskimage.
> >
> Window 8 + Wubi is dangerous regardless of BIOS/UEFI boot.
> Regards,
> Dmitrijs.
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