"Bhavani Shankar R" wrote:
> I have stated a team called Ubuntu Indian members on par with ubuntu
> members.. Ref this:
> https://edge.launchpad.net/~indmembers Its just a simple analogy. Indian
> loCo team in Launchpad -> Having an account in launchpad in ubuntu
> Ubuntu Indian members -> ubuntu members..
> Note: all the present active members will be approved automatically.. This
> stuff mentioned in the wiki is for newbies who are coming in..


What happened to 'Ubuntu Indian Promoters' team? Are you playing game
to start the teams? If you feeling this is fun (for you), please don't
send such mails to list. We have enough bugs to fix already.

>From wiki,
> You will have an address username @ubuntu-in.org

Then what? I'm really sad. What to do with such forwarded email.
Bhavani, please contribute to code, translation, packaging or by any
other means. Starting team is not contributing back.

Hope this will be your final team ;)

 Kartik Mistry  || GPG: 0xD1028C8D || IRC: kart_
 kartikmistry.org/blog || kartikm.wordpress.com

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