On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 11:53 +0530, Bhavani Shankar R wrote:
> OK... Done I quit from every thing...

Dear Bhavani,
  I am not sure what I can add to this thread without fanning
the flames further, but here is an attempt anyway. Let me
preface these comments with the following:
  o You certainly seem to have a lot of energy, and enthusiasm.
    I would ask you to try to channelise these in productive
  o One thing that you need to ask yourself is why you are
    doing all this work. You probably do not see it in that
    way, but at least some of it comes across as self-promotion.
    In the FOSS community, recognition usually follows from a
    willingness to work together, and it is folly to demand it
    a priori.
  o You say that you want to build a Ubuntu India, and/or a
    localisation community. This is good, except that a
    community is *not* built by unilaterally taking steps, and
    expecting people to fall in line. This does not work even
    one's acts are well-intentioned. While it can get annoying
    at times, there is just no short-cut around building a
    consensus among the group.
I do not see that anything is irretrievably lost, and I for one
would be sad to see you leave the Ubuntu India community in such
a manner. Please do come to the IRC meet (can someone announce a
time), and let us all have a calm conversation.


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