> Also apple machines always come packed with latest technologies. For
> ex. they started shipping graphics cards with DVI output interface
> long time before other vendors.
> Macbook seems to be favorite among FOSS developers. Check photos from
> UDS on planet Ubuntu you will know what I mean.
> As for disadvantage they are overpriced in my opinion. And if you plan
> to run on linux you will have some binary only driver, mostly graphics
> card but you may need for wireless too.

   I would like some clarification on what Mr. Slytherin :) has
written. Macs are favorites among FOSS developers, but do they use the
machine with Linux or with OS X? I have no idea, but you might?
And I agree they are grossly overpriced, but getting them from a
reseller, rather than an Apple Store, its comes out much cheaper.


> e) getting the latest generations of apple ipod to work under gnulinux
> is not so much a technical issue, as apple's extreme reluctance to
> work with the FOSS community and allow fair enduser rights for all
> customers.

  Hmm, I must say Niyam's mail has compelled me to throw in my POV,
considering the fact I am going thru my 4th sem exams. But what are
you trying to say here? Trying to sync ipod with Linux (you know
that's easy), or running a Linux-kernel on the ipod? (possible with

> so, in purchasing a macbook, do i wish to convey my support with
> dollars, to a company whose business practices are at times quite
> anti-customer?

  I have been going through this debate since the last 2 years now,
and its the sole reason why I have stuck to my uber-cool desktop. But
if I think, isn't M$ more anti-customer? They practically don't give a
damn to what the consumer market says, Apple at least does that (I
have seen Apple's OS and devices show drastic improvement after every
iteration, most of the consumer grievances seem to be sorted out, yet
they do keep a few cards to themselves)

> nevertheless, i do have a few points on why i feel compelled to
> purchase a macbook running ubuntu, ubuntustudio, and debian, for
> myself.

  I shall be grateful if you share some of those compelling reasons
with me? I shall have those ready as arguments, when I face my parents


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