>   I would like some clarification on what Mr. Slytherin :) has
> written. Macs are favorites among FOSS developers, but do they use the
> machine with Linux or with OS X? I have no idea, but you might?

some use only gnulinux and/or bsd, but almost all keep their mac osx
running in another partition too.
what do you think suddenly inspired the massive improvements in the
user-interface of gnu/linux?!
hehehe just joking....

> And I agree they are grossly overpriced, but getting them from a
> reseller, rather than an Apple Store, its comes out much cheaper.

overpriced even then.

>  Hmm, I must say Niyam's mail has compelled me to throw in my POV,
> considering the fact I am going thru my 4th sem exams. But what are
> you trying to say here? Trying to sync ipod with Linux (you know
> that's easy), or running a Linux-kernel on the ipod? (possible with
> Rockbox)

first, let's talk about running ipod under gnulinux, especially the
latest generation. easy? nyah! you need to do an aweful lot of tricky
and technical stuff, which non-engineering, non-IT types can't handle.
what's easy for you may just be quite tough for a vast majority of
however, more importantly, in doing so, you are deliberately
disobeying apple's end-user agreements, possibly violating DMCA, and
tinkering with DRM, all this depending on how far you wish to exert
your 'ownership' of 'your' ipod. being treated as a criminal is not my
idea of being a customer.

>> so, in purchasing a macbook, do i wish to convey my support with
>> dollars, to a company whose business practices are at times quite
>> anti-customer?
>  I have been going through this debate since the last 2 years now,
> and its the sole reason why I have stuck to my uber-cool desktop. But
> if I think, isn't M$ more anti-customer?

they don't get no dollars for me. i don't use their stuff, i don't
pirate their stuff, i just use 100% gnulinux and follow my bliss.

>Apple at least does that (I
> have seen Apple's OS and devices show drastic improvement after every
> iteration, most of the consumer grievances seem to be sorted out, yet
> they do keep a few cards to themselves)

unlike microsoft, apple is a tad better. which is why am considering
them. but they're not exactly 100% sanitized. which is why i stop
short. of course, you can pick and choose from within apple. so am
definitely not buying an ipod or an iphone, *even* if apple or anyone
gives it to me free-of-cost.

>> nevertheless, i do have a few points on why i feel compelled to
>> purchase a macbook running ubuntu, ubuntustudio, and debian, for
>> myself.
>  I shall be grateful if you share some of those compelling reasons
> with me? I shall have those ready as arguments, when I face my parents
> :D

i don't know if my reasons suit you, but here are a few:

01) great aesthetic design. for me.

02) have used apple products from 1981 (apple II, etc) till 1997-8,
even worked as a contributing editor with the macworld section in
pcworld magazine. so, am quite familiar and appreciative of apple's
vision, engineering, design, and aesthetics. i admire what they do.

03) in my color-tinted perspective of the world, there are only two
types of personal computers in the world: mac, and mac-wannabe.
sorry! that's just how i see the world. you may read the archives of
my macworld columns on similar rants, on my site.

04) ubuntu and debian on macbook rocks for me.

05) from time-to-time i feel the need of another OS, so i may test or
use specialist hardware, such as for audio-recording, digitizing,
decoding audio-video, midi, color-calibration instruments, etc. alas!
hardly any of these 'vertical' solutions and products work on gnulinux
yet. have been watching and waiting since almost seven years now.
most of these products are compliant with either mac or win. so if i
have to choose between these two, i'd rather go for the kinder,
softer, gentler, and more foss-friendly apple.

06) less virus attacks on a mac. but hey! i'd only use ubuntu and
debian. the mac os is only for situations such as 05) above.

07) a mac is more friendly for creative-professionals. it's
engineering gives you low-latencies, the hardware has less electrical
noise, better shielding, etc/

08) easier to find a creative community around the mac, which is great
for troubleshooting, tips, techniques, help, support, and more.

i have a few more reasons why i would choose a mac, but am pressed for time.


> Cheers!
> Pratul
> --
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