>> This is a tangent but is there a reputable VPS host with servers located in
>> India? I'm more latency than cost sensitive for this application.
> What exactly do you plan to achieve in the 100ms that you'll shave off?
> Peering between ISPs in India still leaves a lot to be desired. So if you get
> a server co-located/hosted at a particular ISPs data center. You'll have low
> latency only if you are customer of that ISP. Customers of other ISPs may
> have to make a round the world trip to get to the server.
> Latency isn't that big an issue considering we get ping times of ~250ms to
> europe and ~300ms to the US these days.
> FWIW ubuntu-in.info has a lower latency than google.com

... and our VPS is located somewhere in the EU (possibly France).


Baishampayan Ghose

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