This is a tangent but is there a reputable VPS host with servers located in
India? I'm more latency than cost sensitive for this application.

US number: +1 650-862-5992
Indian Number:+919945111824

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Baishampayan Ghose <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Just to clear some misconceptions or confusions about what kind of
> hosting we need and what kind of hosting we have right now:
>  * We need a VPS with root access, etc so that we can run whatever
> software we want on the server (I have a Dreamhost account with
> unlimited everything and I paid only USD 10 for a 2 year deal. It
> still sucks as a service)
>  * Slicehost is not cheaper than Gandi. Slicehost will charge you at
> least USD 20 a month and Gandi is charging USD 16 a month for a
> similar set of resources.
>  * When we started off, Gandi's hosting was still in a closed Beta and
> they charged us only USD 7.5 a month, but from now they are going to
> charge us the usual rates.
> I hope that will clear some doubts.
> Regards,
> BG
> --
> Baishampayan Ghose
> --
> ubuntu-in mailing list
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