Hi guys I have been using ubuntu for 2 years now,and I have followed LoCo teams 
of various countries like US LoCos (Georgia LoCo for example release podcasts 
every week), they do great stuffs to help ubuntu users and to increase number 
of ubuntu users.
In India we have problems thats not recognized by lots of guys in ubuntu forums 
and IRC channel:
1.The internet is slow to majority of users or no internet at all in many cases.
2.Very little and vague knowledge about computers in the large part of our 
3.Thats why number of computer users are very less in India.
4.Piracy is rampant.
5.So for the users ,both linux and windows come free we need to explain what 
Linux and ubuntu means in philosophy and practice.
6.There are various projects in LaunchPad(LP) which aims at developing support 
for Indian Languages and indian-fonts but many of them have a few devs.

So I was thinking of Ubuntu-India family fun meeting in 
#ubuntu...@irc.freenode.net every sunday night to discuss issues , bugs , 
attract developers or just to chat about their ubuntu experiences.
What do you think guys???
Any volunteers and suggestions???


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