nice idea man , hurraeh !


--- On Mon, 26/1/09, shan chak <> wrote:

> From: shan chak <>
> Subject: [ubuntu-in] Weekly get together
> To:
> Date: Monday, 26 January, 2009, 8:04 PM
> Hi guys I have been using ubuntu for 2 years now,and I have
> followed LoCo teams of various countries like US LoCos
> (Georgia LoCo for example release podcasts every week), they
> do great stuffs to help ubuntu users and to increase number
> of ubuntu users.
> In India we have problems thats not recognized by lots of
> guys in ubuntu forums and IRC channel:
> 1.The internet is slow to majority of users or no internet
> at all in many cases.
> 2.Very little and vague knowledge about computers in the
> large part of our country.
> 3.Thats why number of computer users are very less in
> India.
> 4.Piracy is rampant.
> 5.So for the users ,both linux and windows come free we
> need to explain what Linux and ubuntu means in philosophy
> and practice.
> 6.There are various projects in LaunchPad(LP) which aims at
> developing support for Indian Languages and indian-fonts but
> many of them have a few devs.
> So I was thinking of Ubuntu-India family fun meeting in
> every sunday night to discuss
> issues , bugs , attract developers or just to chat about
> their ubuntu experiences.
> What do you think guys???
> Any volunteers and suggestions???
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