> Hi All
> I have recently installed LXDE alongside Gnome in Ubuntu 10.04.
> After starting the system I just looked at the System monitor to
> see the RAM usage in each case.
> GNOME uses about 270 MB of RAM,
>               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How are you getting this total,
>i.e., what all are you attributing to GNOME? By a rough count, I get about
150MB of RAM usage for GNOME on my laptop?

Gora: The figures are TOTAL RAM usage and not RAM attributed to the DE. I am
unaware how I can calc GNOME mem usage

> LXDE uses 185 and OpenBox uses 165 MB. However with GNOME/Openbox the
processors were showing 90-95% use.

The 90-95% processor usage is ONLY with GNOME with OpenBox and is normal
with all other DE. In all cases NO other USER started apps were running
except those started by the default system.

>CPU usage was constantly at 90-95%, and you were not using anything other
than the desktop? That sounds like there is something seriously wrong.

Narendra Diwate
ubuntu-in mailing list

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