"Defining an exclusive "membership" of the marketing team is going to be off-putting, in my opinion."

Please see: "it's an open team!"

"How exactly does one gain membership in the Marketing Team in your vision? Subscribe to this list? Join the new forum? Gain approval from existing team members?: Simply start contributing? Be an Ubuntu member? Join the Marketing Team on Launchpad? Why is a defined membership of the marketing team important?"

If you read the wiki - you just add your name. Why is it important? So that the team grows. If everyone can just pitch their opinion and step away - that won't be constructive and even great ideas will not be implemented because of a lack of manpower. This is how we started - by encouraging those who wanted to shout about it - good or bad - to get in the team - and nobody is turned away.
"I question whether creating a new forum specifically for the conversation that could and normally does take place on a team mailing list is helpful or harmful at this time."

This is obviously _not_ a 'team' mailing list. Perhaps we need one.
"keeping stuff in as few places as possible helps with the whole process, and the dissemination of information and ideas."

And how do I refer to previous posts - check back through email for the last year? We cannot work on projects here - it's a mess. It's great for general discussion, but how do you anticipate 100 members on 10 projects communicating here? That's just not going to happen. Have you noticed how many members _haven't_ posted here? More have posted in the forum. So, what is conducive to a truly open team? A modular approach with good communucation allows for scalability - look at development.

The fact is that you will never a number of projects relying on a mailing list - I can't believe we're still discussing it - especially as it seems to be a discussion with very few _team_members_...

Can we have a Marketing Team mailing list, so we can get some work done, please? - and please join our team - but not as representatives from Canonical.

20 members on the team - 13 registered on the forum. I think the people have decided what they need to communicate, as they have been unsure whether to register. What will happen when they're sure they should?

Just 2 Canonical employess posting on the list. Hmm.



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