Jeff Waugh wrote:
<quote who="Lloyd Hardy">

Can we have a Marketing Team mailing list, so we can get some work done,
please? - and please join our team - but not as representatives from

This is the marketing team mailing list. Anyone who works for Canonical is
going to be stuck representing Canonical no matter what happens, so there's
no point falsely denying it. It's an important relationship, too!


I agree, thus we would like to post activities (if we're told about them) and would like to have an _organised_ communication with all other groups via liaisons. It is obviously an important relationship - but not more important than with the rest of the community. Hey, why not bring in all the teams to cause a little more confusion, lol?

We need to work together, we need to fix the problem - but that's going to take a lot of people and no break in momentum. I'm just trying to keep that going.
Just 2 Canonical employess posting on the list. Hmm.
Three. :-)

- Jeff


lol ;) My point exactly.

ubuntu-marketing mailing list

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