Jeff Waugh wrote:
<quote who="Lloyd Hardy">

I agree, thus we would like to post activities (if we're told about them)
and would like to have an _organised_ communication with all other groups
via liaisons. It is obviously an important relationship - but not more
important than with the rest of the community. Hey, why not bring in all
the teams to cause a little more confusion, lol?

We need to work together, we need to fix the problem - but that's going to
take a lot of people and no break in momentum. I'm just trying to keep
that going.

I really don't understand what you're getting at.

Erm - ok, what don't you understand?
        Just 2 Canonical employess posting on the list. Hmm.

    Three. :-)

lol ;) My point exactly.

I don't understand your point.

- Jeff

Well, the fact that this is primarily revolving around the perspectives of Canonical Employees. I tell you what - it seems that I'm in the wrong place - there seems to be 2 marketing teams, and I'm in the one on the wiki, the one with projects, the one that got organised in less than 2 weeks and is gaining momentum.

I'll unsubscribe here as soon as I've helped you understand my other point, and we'll set something (another mailing list) up for us to manage our projects with, in conjunction with our forum and IRC - and whichever medium any project wants to communicate without being mandated...sorry for the confusion.

Thanks  ;)
ubuntu-marketing mailing list

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