Hi, I am very glad to have been told about the marketing team.
I am one of the uk Infopoint (note1) volunteers, and display as much
as I can at a local computer fair (Bracknell uk), monthly. Ubuntu and
Kubuntu are popular distros to newcomers. This is partly because the
shipit packs are very attractive (well done!)

I recently took a kubuntu Desktop CD pack into a local high street PC
store (Dixons uk) and asked if the manager was available, or someone
who was good with PCs to talk about different systems. The guy came,
and I asked if anyone used Linux - no. But he had heard of it and he
was a bit interested in knowing. I showed him the kubuntu pack and
said it was a live CD - Linux - and it would install if he wanted it
to. He gladly took it and when his current panic was over (!) he would
try it. I was delighted.

As an aside - I am now right out of Kubuntu packs from Shipit, and my
recent requests are not being approved. I am quite concerned because I
dont even have one example left of a Kubuntu pack to 'demonstrate'.  I
have no objection at all to making CDs myself but the CD covers are
the ideal vehicle for peoples interest.

Anyone know what is happening for shipit? It is hard to plan my
displays if I dont know what I can receive. Is it maybe because I have
had a number of CDs sent to me over the last several months and I
cannot be sent more?

Note 1:

alan c

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