On 7/17/06, Jan Vancura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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Paul Sladen wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Jul 2006, alan c wrote:
> Hello Alan,
>> As an aside - I am now right out of Kubuntu packs from Shipit,
>> and my recent requests are not being approved.
> Glad to hear that you're getting so many interested people.
> The shipit FAQ (Frequently Answered Questions) at:
> http://www.ubuntu.com/support/faq
> provides information how to request large orders directly for
> events such as the ones that you are ordering:
> If you'd like to order larger quantities of CDs than what is listed
> in the standard options, please supply a clear reason for ordering.
> We will consider special requests for larger quantities under
> special circumstances. If you experience any problems with ShipIt,
> please:
> Hope that helps you get everything sorted for your next and future
> infopoint events!
> -Paul
BTW, the obtaining Ubuntu section of the FAQ has always, notoriously,
been outdated:

"Yes, it does. The packages installed on the LiveCD are identical to
those installed in the normal default installation of Ubuntu."

"We have not yet opened the ?custom request? section of ShipIt for
version 6.06 LTS, but will do so shortly."

"Short Answer: /4-6 Weeks/ Shipment time can vary considerably in
relation to a wide range of factors (when you order CDs; where you are
located in the world; the speed of your local mail delivery; etc).
That said, a good rule of thumb is to allow at least 4-6 weeks for
delivery although in some cases they will be delivered substantially
more quickly."
 - custom requests take 10 weeks to process, remember?

Where would one take this, to make sure it gets updated?

Assuming you are referring to the webiste, file a bug against it in
launchpad. Product is ubuntu-website.


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