On Tuesday 25 July 2006 14:44, Matthew Revell wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've just joined the team of editors at The Fridge (fridge.ubuntu.com).
> Daniel Robitaille and Jorge O Castro have been asked to take The
> Fridge in hand and open it up to the community! Who could be better
> than the Ubuntu Marketing team?
> For now, it's business as usual. However, the future of The Fridge is
> in the community's hands. Reply to this thread if you're interested in
> getting involved!
> Also, it might be interesting to discuss what The Fridge's purpose
> should be and how it fits in with plans for Ubuntu Magazine.
> Look forward to hearing from you.
> --
> Matthew Revell
> www.understated.co.uk

AWESOME!!!  Yesterday, myself and Jordan Mantha (LaserJock) were discussing 
the Fridge and how to make it better. Jordan and myself came up with many 
great ideas. If you would like to further discuss this with myself, or 
Jordan, we are always online, and Jordan is usually in #ubuntu-doc or 
#ubuntu-motu 99.9% of the time. I am very interested in helping out big time!

Richard Johnson ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ubuntu.com <> kubuntu.com <> edubuntu.com <> xubuntu.com
chi.ubuntu-us.com <> buntudot.org
online everywhere as nixternal

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