This all looks good. What was SpreadUbuntu? I can guess from the title,
and from the Wiki page, but was there ever a site? Secondly, on the DIY
site, the links on the right have a brown heading, and a grey-brown box
beneath. The edge of this box runs through the heading, which isn't
particularly aesthetically pleasing. (Yes, I know I'm nit-picking). 

Continuing on the subject of the DIY site, the posters page (and
currently only content page) seems a bit too closed to me. There should
be a system by which one can register to upload new material, and
whether this material should be paid for, sent somewhere (where to?), or
just downloaded. This could all be stored in a MySQL back-end, with the
PHP page lifting from that. This way, we will have a consistent look
(hopefully); but there will also be restrictions, and, should this ever
happen, it would needed to be coded to avoid this. A restriction with a
very simple system would be, say, the ability to add custom forms
(e-mail Jenda!). This, as I said above, would need to be worked around.

How does that page work currently? Who has access to its code, and

On Wed, 2006-11-22 at 14:50 +0100, Jan Vancura wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Daniel Buch wrote:
> > The DIY Marketing website is nearing some state of completion - I
> > think we're into Iteration[3] now ;-)
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Please file grievances to me or Jenda, but mostly to *me* as Jenda's
> > busy taking on his role as a t-shirt vendor :-).  The main page needs
> > to be a bit less text heavy, at least upon first glance (ideas?)  As
> > there is only the "posters" section right now, it didn't make much
> > sense (to me) to put larger, prettier links/thumbs dead center.
> > Should there also be a t-shirts section?  Fliers, CD holder thingies,
> > temp tattoos, and sugar cookies sections?
> > 
> > It should be said that the originally conceived SpreadUbuntu site is
> > also in the works - running on a python CMS, no less:
> >
> > /* I'd like to remove myself from the bottleneck position as soon as
> > possible ;-)  */
> > 
> > Let the criticism begin.
> > 
> > Cheers all, 
> > Dan Buch (meatballhat)
> > 
> And it's also the time for the 'public' to start talking into what this
> site should look like/serve for. So far, my idea is picking up where SU
> left off. Allow me to quote my old wiki:
> ===
> Here's where the fun starts. This section should offer:
>     *      Marketing HOWTOs
>     *      DIY Material
>     *      Testimonials and reviews.
> Marketing HOWTOs
>     *      This, IJO*, is the greatest contribution SU will have to the
> community. Here, we will try to gather recipes on how to spread Ubuntu
> in your locality. I think we should rate them in terms of:
>     *      time required - both free time to organise and time it takes
> to fire & forget (ie. an Ubuntu Day can take hours to prepare and is
> over once it's over - OTOH, a [WWW] freedomtoaster type stand can take
> less time to prepare and is almost permanent - requires maintenance too).
>     *      cost
>     *      ingredients (40 pcs Ubuntu CDs, 2 pcs T-shirts needed, 1 pcs
> metropolis, etc. - doesn't need to take this form either)
> (* - In Jenda's Opinion)
> DIY Marketing Material
>     *      Downloadables, printables, shipabbles? See DIYMarketing for
> what this wiki already has. Spreadubuntu could offer it in a more
> accessible way.
> Testimonials and Reviews
>     *      We believe the user/spreader would like to know what others
> say about Ubuntu. We can include negative reviews as well, but we should
> add fine print comments denouncing or admitting the mistakes claimed within.
> ===
> I don't think the testimonials still fit in now, and I chose to start
> with the DIY section. In other words:
> Is it possible to eat an elephant?
> Yes, but first you gotta cut it up into bite-size chunks.
> SU is a huge project, and that's why it never kicked off. So, first bite
> - - DIY:
> - - We need to assemble all the material available for download and sort
> it, well
> - - We need to offer people a way to submit ideas and for artists to pick
> them up, and submit material. We could hijack the artwork subforum for
> this, a bit.
> - - We need to encourage people to create RL, non-digital material in bulk
> and ship it to the community cheaply, offer them a place to document
> their offer and ordering procedure. Offer a place for end-users to
> report on the quality, value and promptness of the shipments.
> - - We need offer the material that someone is shipping out comprehensibly.
> Once this is done, we should move on to the Marketing HOWTOs section.
> That's where anyone can help, and where we will be needing the help of
> everyone :)
> As for the t-shirts, the idea was that I felt guilty that I only do the
> talking, and leave all the actual work to other people, like you,
> because of my lack of expertise. So I figured one of the things I _can_
> do for the DIY project is give it a jump start - because people will
> more easily invest a bit of cash seeing that I invested my own (<brag>
> _all_ all of it, got it back, and even made a profit for other projects,
> repeatedly :) </brag>)
> Thanks for your patience, and DIVE RIGHT IN!
> Feel free to use the old Spreadubuntu wiki for drafting documents, or
> open up .
> - --
> Jenda VanĨura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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