Michael T wrote:
> Hello,
> I couldn't decide where the best place was to post this to.  If you feel 
> that this mailing list is not appropriate, and have an alternative 
> suggestion, I would be glad to hear it.
> Some of you may have noticed that I posted this as a comment to Bug 1.  When 
> I read the other comments posted to that bug, most of them are on the lines 
> of
> "Ubuntu is so much better than Windows that if people don't use it, it must 
> be a conspiracy".
> Personally, I think that while Ubuntu may really be better for those 
> particular posters, it is probably not the case for many Windows users.  
> Furthermore, I think that even more could be done to investigate why Windows 
> users may have problems with Ubuntu.

I have doubts that effort in these directions will give enough value
just now. The one thing that most windows users lack is up front
awarenes of Ubuntu brand and the thought that Ubuntu is everywhere and
is desirable. Bumper stickers, campaigns, publicity. Not to mention
OEM installs and local contact groups.

We are weeks away from vista releases - many win users will be
beginning to think of the future over this period.

If we take our eye off the immediate marketing ball, we are loosing
drive just at the time we could be getting the message out there.

Over the last 4 or 5 months they have been many press comments about
Ubuntu  but I cannot recall a singe one which complained about Usabilty.

I know it is not perfect, but it is very good.

When I first used dos, or win 3 or win 95, 98, XP, there were
significant usability - or familiarity issues. Always. Windows did not
get where it is because of usability, but marketing and image. I was
good with Wordperfect dos, then I had to start using MS word. It was
an absolute *nightmare*.  To encourage the change, MS added a how to
facility in Word, for wordperfect users - but they did not change the
functionality or the usability, just gave information.

Even if ubuntu is totally perfect in everyones eyes, this will not
make win users change unless they *want* to. What I learned by
observing MS is that most people can be encouraged to want something
that is way way far from perfect, or even good.
alan cocks
Linux registered user #360648

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