> http://www.openusability.org/  I know KDE has Usability experts on
> their team (Ellen Reitmayr and others).  There was an Ubuntu project
> listed here awhile back but I didn't see it recently.

Thanks for the great link, Belinda!  Regardless of how it fits into
the Ubuntu project, I'm glad to know of its existence :-D

> A Usability Team might be a good idea but it would need to integrate
> with the Art/Marketing/Bug Squad/other Teams to make it an integrated
> part of the project.  For now perhaps getting one or two key/specific
> areas identified as an Open Usability project might be a good start?
> Just a thought.  I don't really Usability as a Marketing Team task
> but as part of the overall Development process.

I know that in my personal experiences in "marketing" to friends and
family (and strangers, yes) that usability has come up in conversation
multiple times.  That said, I certainly agree that Usability (with a
capital U) is probably not a task for the Marketing Team.  What I _do_
think, however, is that gathering knee-jerk reactions from the general
public will be of great use to our Marketing efforts (with a capital
M.)  By this I mean something on the order of a quick survey at the
end of a web-based tour, or perhaps a post-LiveCD questionnaire.  I'm
most interested in what people think when they happen upon Ubuntu for
the first time - especially if it's their first time with GNU/LInux.

So, I suppose I'm personally leaning toward integrating the usability
topic into a more general feedback channel to aid the Marketing Team.
Am I the only one?  :-D

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