Profue apologies for the multiple posts; was having a day with the list


On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 04:12:20PM +0200, Josef Assad wrote:
> Rather than re-invent the wheel, have a look at the Gnome usability
> project (though apparently defunct now if the front page news roll is
> anything to go by).
> They have done some usability studies, and while they are _seriously_
> flawed at least the methodology isn't half bad.
> I hope that's what you mean with usability: Gnome. A scope any broader
> and the idea would have too broad an initial scope to result in
> anything.
> Josef
| Josef Assad                   | "What is this, some  |
|                               | kind of grep bitten  |
| Linux registered user #357805 | by a radioactive     |
|       | spider?" - CRM114    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | Manual, apocryphal   |

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