Looking at his blog, these are the reasons that he lists:

1) First reason, PCLOS is based on KDE, while Ubuntu is based on GNOME.
 And the hard truth is that KDE is definitely better than GNOME.

I disagree.  Gnome is better than KDE.  So, because of my opinion, that
makes Ubuntu better than PCLinux2007.  Oh, wait, I can easily
install/download KDE for Ubuntu.  Hmm.  Does that mean they are the same

2)  PCLOS has far more stability than Ubuntu.

Again, I disagree.  Every stable release of Ubuntu that I have ran on
production machines, workstations, and school labs, has had little if
any stability issues, whereas every RPM-based distro I have run, has had
very major stability issues, including distros from big companies like
RedHat, Novell and even Sun Microsystems.  I guess .deb just "works for me".

3) PCLOS comes pre-installed with most of commonly used multimedia
formats(except real player, quick time, and mpg), while Ubuntu doesn't.

So, what does it come installed with, if it doesn't have Real Player,
QuickTime and MPEG?  Oh, the Windows formats?  They're the most widely
used?  I must upgrade my system then, as I haven't had the need in
almost 3 years to view a Windows-based format.  Besides, where is his
support to backup his claims?

4) Apparently, we missed that number.

5) PCLOS control center is a big and easy tool to configure system with
just few clicks, while there is not anything analogous in Ubuntu.

You mean the gnome-control-center?  So, you like it in one big fat GUI,
rather than in a menu?  And this makes PCLinux2007 better than Ubuntu.
Well, I like it better in a menu, so that means that Ubuntu is better,
because that's how I like it (see point #1).

6) Some things which i personally experienced with my own system:

Ubuntu correctly recognized *all* of my hardware, and properly got them
running, including wireless, going all the way back to Warty Warthog,
where *NO* other distro, including Debian itself, has.

7) What Surprises Me Really As if why Ubuntu hasn't been able to do same

I guess it's the number 1 distro in the world because it does everything
correctly.  Why fix something if it isn't broken?

I appreciate the review, but it's nothing more than very opinionated and
one-sided.  It even comes across as 'fan-boyish'.  He doesn't support
his claims he makes on his blog, he overgeneralizes and stereotypes, and
further, only mentions the things that he does with a Linux operating
system.  While he may feel that he's being honest, I would question a
great deal of that post.

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