RJ wrote:
> Sounds the best way to act to me. But still I would put "defining our 
> relationship with Canonical's marketing department" at the first place. Since 
> that's the point of the long discution we just had : everything that will be 
> done here is depending on this relationship. So I'll change your question 
> in "How to sort this issue out ?"

My answer would be
Let them read the list just as they do at present! If they dont like 
something they can let it be known, and vice versa.

It would be nice to have a defined relationship with them, but not 
essential. It is not going to stop me in what I am doing for example. 
Including talking to UK Government Ministers. :-)

The existing 'relationship' could be formalised  - that the list is a 
public one to all comers and Canonical they may read the list.

I believe their marketing department is small, but on an occasion when 
I urgently needed a reply to an email request, I got a useful and 
positive reply within hours (at night).  I may have opinions about how 
Canonical runs its business, but from what I have seen so far what 
Mark S has done and is doing, I am not going to knock it!

alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391
Linux user #360648

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