On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 11:19 PM, Christopher Swift <
chris.r.sw...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I've spoken to the station owner, they have two servers on which they
> broadcast the radio on. They've said as Ubuntu is a non-profit organisation
> they have no problem advertising it for free and we can have any length
> advertisement slot. I'm now in the progress of explaining Ubuntu and OSS. I
> need to contact another person to get the demographics but they have said
> that there are roughly 500 people always tuned in with of course peaks at
> certain times of the night and day.
> By the thanks for your interest Bret, I obviously won't be able to do this
> alone, I'm a student of science and not of media :P
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:35 PM, Bret Fledderjohn <
> freelancer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What are we looking at, a :10 second, :30 second, or :60 second spot
>> (commercial)?   Also, it is only a one spot, one time deal?  It's going to
>> be hard to generate a large response off one ad, especially on a small
>> station like that.  I'd be interested in the listener habits (How long they
>> spend listening, and when) and demographics (age, sex, other stats,
>> employement, etc).  If this is an on-air station, they should have some
>> Arbitron numbers (ratings) which can shed some light on that info.
>> I don't know if there is any radio ads floating around (although I doubt
>> it), I'd be willing to help out.  I've worked in radio advertising for about
>> 4 years (selling), but I have written several spots as well.
>> Regardless, I'd love to hear how this turns out!
>> Bret
>> 2008/12/14 Christopher Swift <chris.r.sw...@googlemail.com>
>>> Hello, I am searching for some advice on radio advertising for
>>> Ubuntu-Marketing. I have found out that I can get a free radio slot on a
>>> community radio station so I am trying to make the most of it. The community
>>> has roughly 48,000 members and I'd hope that 10% listen to the radio daily
>>> so that gives me room for about 4800 to listen to the adverts. I am
>>> searching for a pre-composed radio advert for Ubuntu; if this is not
>>> possible or simply doesn't exist yet then I am willing to try and
>>> co-ordinate an attempt to setup a recording myself.
>>> If you are able to help out, whether it be with an existing advert or
>>> perhaps with voiceovers or help with the radio advert script or even sound
>>> editting I'd be fully greatful. Hopefully if it gets done, we can release it
>>> under the GPL 2 licence or other for other Ubuntu users to freely use on
>>> their respective sites/stations.
>>> If you have any ideas, please mail them back to me (and the rest of the
>>> list). No matter how silly it sounds ;-). I hope that we can set off and
>>> really make this work.
>>> I look forward to hearing from you,
>>> Christopher Swift <chris.r.sw...@gmail.com>

Have you thought about approaching any Ubuntu podcasters?

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