sorry to intrude but i am hosting a free DAB station over the med and iwas
wondering if there where any "such" radio ads? as i will soon team up with a
couple of local (fm) radios in malta and transmit from the maltese islands
as far as sicily and libya so where can i get the work/ideas and then i
could modify them into local language? asmall isda ofa very outdated (server
had crashed "short circut from a power surge on the island")
 is or malta loco team
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Bret Fledderjohn

> I'm sorry, I'm kinda doing a stream of consciousness thing here, and I'm
> top posting more than I should... :-)
> What type of audience is it? We need to know that in order to craft a
> message that will appeal to them.  If they are tech saavy, obviously, the
> script will need to be a much different message than if they are not.  Also
> if they are generally familar with OSS and Linux that is another very
> different message.
> The problem we have with on-air radio stations in the states is that they
> are struggling to make money right now, so that stations of any significant
> listenerships are not willing to do much free with non-profits (plus you
> have to be a registered non-profit entity to qualify anyway).  The best way
> to get good rates is to ask for midnight to midnight non-dayparted spots.
> Frequently you can get them for next to nothing, unfortunately most of your
> ads run in the overnight time slots when there are very few listeners.
> This would be a good one to try to tie in Canonical's marketing department,
> especially since they may want to give some kind of script approval (or
> suggestions!) before these ads run, because of the trademarks.  Is Gerry
> Carr still in charge of marketing over there?  We should perhaps email him
> to see what his thoughts are.  If you like, I will be more than happy to
> contact him.  If you want to, his email is
> 2008/12/14 Christopher Swift <>
>> Absolutely! Ubuntu podcasters already have the skills for the job. Of
>> course if/when we get the ad written up, I think that we should make a post
>> in our locale mailing lists, for example Ubuntu-UK, with copies of a
>> transcript and seperate mp3/ogg files that can be combined to make the final
>> piece, allowing room for translations or indeed accent differences with the
>> US. And then hopefully, it'll be a viral ad on many people's internet and
>> even local radio stations. I intend on contacting one and see if in my area
>> they have lower rates for non-profit radio adverts and then hold a
>> fund-raiser for my local Linux user group to cover it.
> Podcasters could be great for this.  They have the tools and the interest
> to make great sounding spots.  As far as on-air, expect to spend some money
> if you want these to run in prime time (6am - 7pm).  On the bright side,
> most radio stations will write and produce the ad for no extra charge (at
> least here in the US).
>> But before we get carried away, I'm going to spend this week working on
>> drafts and I would be eternally grateful if you have an idea and post it
>> even if your email just contains the words "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac". No, I am
>> not intending for it to be in that style but if you said that I'd get the
>> picture asap. I'll be posting for some volunteer jobs if anyone's interested
>> however.
> I really think we need to see the demographics before we start putting
> together the message.
>> Thanks for reading,
>> Christopher Swift <>
>> On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 11:27 PM, Chris Rowson <
>>> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 11:19 PM, Christopher Swift <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I've spoken to the station owner, they have two servers on which they
>>>> broadcast the radio on. They've said as Ubuntu is a non-profit organisation
>>>> they have no problem advertising it for free and we can have any length
>>>> advertisement slot. I'm now in the progress of explaining Ubuntu and OSS. I
>>>> need to contact another person to get the demographics but they have said
>>>> that there are roughly 500 people always tuned in with of course peaks at
>>>> certain times of the night and day.
> Can they rotate different messages and can they position them in different
> time slots?  Will they fit them, where ever they can, or will they commit to
> certain hours... And what kind of frequency can we get?  If this is one
> message, one time, it really isn't going to accomplish very much.  The human
> brain has become so desensitized to ads that you have to hit the listener at
> least three times for them to retain the message.
>>>> By the thanks for your interest Bret, I obviously won't be able to do
>>>> this alone, I'm a student of science and not of media :P
>>>> On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:35 PM, Bret Fledderjohn <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> What are we looking at, a :10 second, :30 second, or :60 second spot
>>>>> (commercial)?   Also, it is only a one spot, one time deal?  It's going to
>>>>> be hard to generate a large response off one ad, especially on a small
>>>>> station like that.  I'd be interested in the listener habits (How long 
>>>>> they
>>>>> spend listening, and when) and demographics (age, sex, other stats,
>>>>> employement, etc).  If this is an on-air station, they should have some
>>>>> Arbitron numbers (ratings) which can shed some light on that info.
>>>>> I don't know if there is any radio ads floating around (although I
>>>>> doubt it), I'd be willing to help out.  I've worked in radio advertising 
>>>>> for
>>>>> about 4 years (selling), but I have written several spots as well.
>>>>> Regardless, I'd love to hear how this turns out!
>>>>> Bret
>>>>> 2008/12/14 Christopher Swift <>
>>>>>> Hello, I am searching for some advice on radio advertising for
>>>>>> Ubuntu-Marketing. I have found out that I can get a free radio slot on a
>>>>>> community radio station so I am trying to make the most of it. The 
>>>>>> community
>>>>>> has roughly 48,000 members and I'd hope that 10% listen to the radio 
>>>>>> daily
>>>>>> so that gives me room for about 4800 to listen to the adverts. I am
>>>>>> searching for a pre-composed radio advert for Ubuntu; if this is not
>>>>>> possible or simply doesn't exist yet then I am willing to try and
>>>>>> co-ordinate an attempt to setup a recording myself.
>>>>>> If you are able to help out, whether it be with an existing advert or
>>>>>> perhaps with voiceovers or help with the radio advert script or even 
>>>>>> sound
>>>>>> editting I'd be fully greatful. Hopefully if it gets done, we can 
>>>>>> release it
>>>>>> under the GPL 2 licence or other for other Ubuntu users to freely use on
>>>>>> their respective sites/stations.
>>>>>> If you have any ideas, please mail them back to me (and the rest of
>>>>>> the list). No matter how silly it sounds ;-). I hope that we can set off 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> really make this work.
>>>>>> I look forward to hearing from you,
>>>>>> Christopher Swift <>
>>> Have you thought about approaching any Ubuntu podcasters?
>>> Chris
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