Hey Ken,
Been on vacation for 2wks and just catching up.

Kenneth Wimer wrote:
> On Friday 20 July 2007 16:28:18 Bill Filler wrote:
>> Ken,
>> The screens look good. See my comments below:
>> On Jul 20, 2007, at 7:11 AM, Kenneth Wimer wrote:
>>> On Friday 20 July 2007 08:52:32 you wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>> Thanks for the pictures :)
>>> Glas you like them :-)
>>>> A few questions:
>>>>  * Is "Settings" part so important that has to be always available?
>>>> Is it about device settings or application settings?

I think for the short term it is a stretch to try and modify all
applications to consistently export their app-specific settings to a
separate place.  But I think the system-wide settings are good.  For
example, the browser should use the system network settings and not have
its own configuration.  

>>> This is one of the major questions. Should we have a global settings
>>> "app" in which all settings are stored for all apps or should we
>>> have some settings tool available per app. Apple does it mainly with
>>> the global settings iirc and it gets kinda annoying. The Pepper Pad
>>> seemed to do it better with the important per-app settings available
>>> in the app itself.
>> On the Pepper Pad there are global settings which apply to the
>> overall system (i.e. wifi, date/time, power mgmt, etc..) and then
>> app specific settings. The way you have the UI designed with the
>> Settings button always visible, perhaps when you are viewing the
>> Home/ Applications screen the Settings would take you to the system
>> wide settings page 
>> and when you are in an application, the Settings would take you to
>> the app specific settings page.
> Exactly. I wasn't sure how to visually differintiate between the
> system wide settings and the per app settings nor if it is necessary. 
>>>>  * How one switches between an active application and applications
>>>> view? 
>>>>  * How one swtiches between applications?
>>> Another "great idea" which I realized in advance would be popular :p
>>> Note also that there are no close or minimize buttons on the open
>>> apps. The idea behind is this:
>>> The "home" button always has a way to get to the "apps" page where
>>> one can pick an app, start it, restart/rechoose it. Note that in
>>> this version there are also no menus. Everything you see shows up
>>> fullscreen, although some things in the status bar will be an almost
>>> fullscreen overlay (which one could argue is just an associated
>>> pop-up and therefor really a menu).
>>> Using a task switcher menu turns out to be just as many steps, and
>>> more confusing that keeping things flat and simple. Again, this is
>>> an idea and I'm not really sure if it is possible to realize such
>>> functionality.
>> Seems like this model could work, but would add a few steps for some
>> operations. If I understand correctly, if I'm in an app and I want to
>> close it, I would have to do 1)click home button 2)click "apps"
>> button from home page 3) select my app 4) press stop/restart. That's
>> a lot of steps which would be eliminated if you had a close button
>> somewhere in the marquee. Or maybe you never really "close" an app
>> because it gets hibernated when not using it so that's not an issue?
> The original idea was to never have to close or minimize an app. Not
> sure how saving document changes would work. 
>> Regarding switching between running apps, wouldn't using a task
>> switcher directly from the marquee (i.e. a drop down menu listing the
>> running apps) be one less step than clicking "home"->"apps"->select
>> app? 
> I've tried to stay away from using any menus, as on smaller devices
> they are hard to touch and in high contrast lighting hard to see.
> Praticaly speaking we might have to use such a menu. Earlier mockups
> show such a menu so I am leaving it out for now.   
>> Also, if an app had multiple open views, how do you navigate between
>> views within the application? There should be some indication of the
>> open views within an app and a way to navigate them.
> depending upon how the apps work this might very well be a problem
> which could be solved by tabs (just like the browser issue). 
>>>>  * Browser does not seem to have tabs, it would be very interesting
>>>> to see how it's gonna look with tabs (tabs seem to be quite popular
>>>> demand (https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1695) also UI Style
>>>> Guide page suggest browser would have tabs).
>>> Erm, I knew I forgot something. Naturally, I will be adding tabs :-)
>>>> Probably applications and settings stuff was outlined elsewhere, in
>>>> this case apologize for my ignorance and kindly ask to provide me
>>>> with a link where I could read more about it...
>>> No worries, you've noticed the major issues - here would be a good
>>> place to discuss them 
>>> Ken
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