于 2010年08月06日 20:37, Ralph Janke 写道:
> Sorry, but people also need to be careful taking out an nuclear option 
> in how they describe others when they bring legitimate arguments.
> Everything that I have seen so far in the thread is a discussion if 
> certain features of a software are a good solution for the general 
> population of users or not. This has nothing to do with tribalism.

You may missed a point, that our discussion is about whether
ubuntu-tweak should be approved from NEW to universe archive. So their
is something that likely to make people to associate it to tribalism.

> Open source is an open concept that allows different options. The core 
> of a distro is defined by this distro. However, in difference to Apple's 
> iPhone and iPad, nobody must jailbreak in order to install something 
> outside the normal software archives. Nothing excludes anybody to use 
> ubuntu-tweak regardless if it is in the official archives or not.

Yes, any software available is able to be used by a user, but including
a software to the distribution's repository will make it be accepted by
more users, especially who don't know anything about installing software
from other source rather than the distribution's archive.

Popular GNU/Linux distributions provides a significant big amount
software in their repository using their own way, like Debian/Ubuntu,
Fedora, OpenSuSE, Arch, Gentoo. Probably it is an important thing for a
person to judge which distribution should be her/his choice, and we also
think it is an advantage over some other operating systems.

> If ubuntu-tweak fixes some temporary issues that in order to do it right 
> should be fixed in other places then this is recommendable, but does not 
> create an automatic need of inclusion. It would be better if those issue 
> are fixed in the right place.  In the meantime, it is available in a 
> ppa. If it bring real long-term benefit for users that is not met in 
> other ways, or is a good alternative to what already exists, then it 
> should be included.

This temporary is not really *temporary*, because there is always
problems to be solved and new problems jump into our eyes. We cannot
solve those problems in a determined numbers of release cycles, and
users need to have solutions to make their life easier. Improving our
community is the right thing we need to focus on, but it's not the
reason to refuse a software that can help users to get a better experience.

> All of this is a matter of proper and civil discussion. There is no need 
> to undermined anybodies reputation by insinuating ulterior motives. The 
> beauty of our community is the empowerment of everybody. This means not 
> everybody has to have or do the same thing. Diversity is strength! 
> Having different perspectives and arguments is part of this strength.

Yes! Diversity is strength! :)

> On 08/06/2010 04:04 AM, Joao Pinto wrote:
>> The approach that some people take on application reviews seems to fit 
>> the description from Mark: 'Tribalism is when one group of people 
>> start to think people from another group are “wrong by default” - 
>> http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/439 .
>> I hope that the seek for reasons to reject the package will turn into 
>> reasonable suggestions to the author in order to improve the 
>> application to make sure it becomes acceptable.
>> Best regards
>> -- 
>> João Luís Marques Pinto
>> GetDeb Team Leader
>> http://www.getdeb.net
>> http://blog.getdeb.net

Aron Xu

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