On 08/12/11 11:58, Brendan Donegan wrote:
> On 08/12/11 11:39, Gema Gomez wrote:
>> On 08/12/11 11:34, Brendan Donegan wrote:
>>> On 08/12/11 11:24, Gema Gomez wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> after some debate in #ubuntu-testing this morning, we've created a
>>>> spreadsheet for everyone to share whilst we are working on the new test
>>>> case management system.
>>>> Please, feel free to access it and start rewriting test cases:
>>>> https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgtV30nnv18edFQzNVB4S2duOWNOT05zaHo3S0pNekE&authkey=CMTAtuoI&hl=en_US#gid=0
>>>> Let us know if there is any problem. If you feel some column is missing
>>>> of something, fix it and let everyone know in the list.
>>>> Whenever you are done with a test case and want comments on it, set the
>>>> Review Status to "FOR REVIEW", we can change it to "REVIEWED" once we
>>>> are happy with the test case. When you have a chunk of them for review,
>>>> send an email with the rows of the spreadsheet you want reviewed. We can
>>>> coordinate the comments in the list, I think.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Gema
>>> I just added 'Review Comments' and 'Reviewers Launchdpad ID' fields, as
>>> these will be necessary for co-ordinating feedback
>> ok, Now I understood. I think we shouldn't be coordinating the reviews
>> on the spreadsheet, but on the mailing list, because there may be many
>> reviewers and it is complicated to do like that.
>> Removing the launchpad id for the reviewer and leaving the Review
>> comments one at the discretion of the author of the test case, in case
>> they want to keep track of the comments there. We don't want to make
>> this process ultracomplicated, just make sure we have reviewed things
>> and the test cases look good.
>> Thanks,
>> Gema
> As demonstrated on the spreadsheet at the moment, Google Docs supports
> inline comments. A colored triangle in the top right corner of a cell
> indicates someone made a comment (everyone gets a different color!).
> Simply hover over the cell to view the comment.
> To make a comment you simply right-click on the cell whose content you
> want to comment on and 'Insert Comment'.
> The recommend way to follow up on a comment is to make a new comment on
> the same cell, but let's see how this goes since if one cell gets lots
> of comments it could become cumbersome.
Just a quick follow up, I noticed that people who are not logged in to
Gmail when they comment show up as 'anonymousNNNN' users. *Please* make
sure to put something by which you can be traced if you do comment so
that the author can follow up with you. Launchpad ID would be ideal

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