On Wed, 2008-03-05 17:04, David Kempe wrote...
> XFS is good, we use it on dapper all the time. My largest XFS filesystem 
> is 5.5TB formatted.

While I don't have such huge filesystems, I've been using XFS for ~6
years now, without any problems at all.

> btw, one thing I found was that xfs_repair can chew massive amounts of 
> ram to run a repair on a filesystem. I had a 2TB fs take nearly 8gb of 
> ram (and swap) to repair it. It did a good job of repairing, and took 
> ages.

They're actually working on fixing that.  See this interesting talk:



> Importantly, you can have data-loss on XFS if you lose power suddenly, 
> perhaps more so than ext3. When files get corrupted on XFS, I have 
> noticed they go to zero size

I believe I read somewhere that that has been fixed some time ago.

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