
I can only speak for myself, but as an IT Manager, I appreciate having good
quality technical resources at hand. Sometimes, having it in print is just
better as I can take a book places to read that a laptop just isn't the best

That being said, I cannot stress enough the "good quality" part mentioned
above. Many of the people that might be potential buyers already know a
great deal about Ubuntu Server. If all you do is essentially rewrite man
pages and such, I'm personally not going to bother with it and suspect I'm
not alone.

To your question of whether it is "still needed" or not, I can only say that
if your book provides plenty of real world examples, it is definitely

For example, a couple of years back I had to search long and hard to piece
together everything I needed to integrate a Samba 3 file server into an
Active Directory environment complete with ACLs using AD users and groups.

If you can provide solutions to real world challenges such as that, your
book will be well received. I should say it will be by me at least.

Best of luck with it.


Aaron Kincer

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 1:43 PM, Megan Yockey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Megan with Manning Publications here.  I normally do not post general
> inquiries about books to technical mailing lists, but in this case I was
> encouraged to do so, so here goes.
> I'm seeking feedback from the community regarding the interest-level for a
> book on Ubuntu Server.  We've had the book in development for a while now,
> but the project stalled out several months ago, and we must now determine
> whether we should push to complete it or not. In the meantime, another
> publisher has put out a book on the subject, and a second book has been
> announced for later this year (see links to Amazon listings below).
> So we are wondering, is our Ubuntu Server book still needed? (See
> for more info.) If you have any thoughts
> about whether such a book would be welcomed, please feel free to respond.
>  If you would prefer to keep your opinion on this private, you can write to
> me directly at meyo [at]  We would appreciate any input that
> you are willing to give.
> Kind regards,
> Megan Yockey
> ___________________________
> Assistant Acquisitions Editor
> Manning Publications Co.
> ___________________________
> --
> ubuntu-server mailing list
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