I realized that I sent my reply to Sander only so I have copied it below:
Hi Sander,  I will likely work through the KVM section again soon as I have 
been trying different Virtualization platforms to try and see which one I like 
best.  I like the idea of running KVM on Ubuntu server a lot and remember 
getting some error messages trying to create virtual machines following your 
KVM section. I don't remember what they were as this was a few months ago when 
I first started using Ubuntu (so it could well have been user error). Since 
then I have also been looking at VirtualBox as I had read that it too had the 
ability to run in headless mode.  I am not sure if you should discuss KVM more 
in the book as compared to Xen for example? I say this as KVM is what Ubuntu 
officially supports now I think, right? What would I like to see more of? Well 
here is a wish list off the top of my head: * discussion of growable vs fully 
expanded virtual hard drives for performance. If the virtual hard drive is 
fully expanded is it created as a contiguous file even if it is several Gb in 
size? If virtual hard drives are growable does this mean that they will become 
fragmented?* how to monitor virtual machine performance remotely if possible 
and also discussion of remote desktop or similar to both headless and GUI 
virtual machines. Remote management tools - what are they and how to install 
and use them.* Ubuntu JeOS - the benefits of using this operating system for 
virtual machines. Are VMWare Tools necessary to run JeOS in KVM? If so how to 
install VMWare Tools. Discussion of the benefits of VMWare tools on Ubuntu 
JeOS. * What are the specific optimizations that JeOS offers other than a small 
hard drive footprint and low memory use (without VMWare Tools) on KVM?* Any 
methods to reduce disk I/O operations on virtual machines to improve 
performance further?* What features are proposed for future releases of KVM?* 
More detailed explanation of the qemu commands i.e. parameter by parameter so 
that the reader knows what the switches are for etc* Virtual machine management 
in general - scripts to start up a particular virtual machine on boot for 
example, or shut down all virtual machines one by one. Scripts to back up 
virtual machines to remote stoarge and then boot them once this is done. * How 
to "import" VMWare virtual machines to KVM - if this can be done? There are 
plenty of VMWare appliances that I would like to run - can this easily be done 
on KVM and what steps would need to be taken for example? Is there any 
performance penalty in importing a VMWare virtual machines as opposed to 
creating it in KVM?* Is there a GUI tool to create KVM virtual machines on the 
desktop before moving them to the server (which is how I might prefer to work). 
* Can I do snapshots in KVM? So discussion of the full feature set vs the 
competition (VMWare) for example.* does a kernel update affect my KVM 
installation?* can I do some kind of VDI with KVM? Basically I would like a 
full and detailed account of the limitations and features of KVM and how to 
administer the server through the command line and remotely with GUI tools if 
that applies also.  With virtualbox I had a hard time getting the bridged 
networking to work and I did not get that far with KVM so I can't comment 
there.  I realize that this is much more than would ever be in a beginner book. 
Even so I would have liked to see more page space devoted to Virtualization so 
that more ground could be covered.  I guess that this is why I said that I 
would happily buy a good book just on Virtualization.  I think I ended up 
feeling that the explanations of technologies was fine (pages 329 to 331) but 
that the walkthrough of creating virtual machines for KVM (332 to 335) did not 
explain the syntax or the process fully enough for me. Does the Qemu window 
that you see when installing XP run when XP is running on the server for 
example, or is it just to monitor the install? I guess if I had got that far 
maybe it would become clearer :-) So I am not sure how much this helps you as 
it is far more information that would be included in a single chapter on 
Virtualization ... but I think tying in JeOS would be great as would importing 
VMWare virtual machines as well as ways to remotely administer virtual 
machines. I will try and get back to you on my experience the second time round 
now that my "server" machine is free to have ubuntu loaded on to it again. This 
may not be very quickly though as I am taking a summer class on linux / UNIX 
which looks like it will take up a fair amount of my spare time.  Mike> Date: 
Mon, 14 Jul 2008 16:17:58 +0200> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
ubuntu-server@lists.ubuntu.com> Subject: Re: Ubuntu Server Book Needed?> > On 
Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 09:13:05PM +0000, Mike Lane wrote:> > I actually have the 
first book that you linked too and have found it> > pretty useful so far. I was 
actually very disappointed with the> > section on virtualization though which 
very briefly covers KVM, Xen> > and I forget the third one off the top of my 
head. > > IIRC correctly, the book was based on Feisty, and virtualisation in> 
Feisty was rather basic. I imagine a newer edition would include stuff> on 
libvirt and all the surrounding tools.> > -- > Soren Hansen | > Virtualisation 
specialist | Ubuntu Server Team> Canonical Ltd. | http://www.ubuntu.com/
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