Bugs last updated on 2022-01-06 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 18 bugs

Whilst most are under control, here's a few
worth mentioning:

  LP: #1954854 - (Incomplete) [bind9] - bind
  9.16.1-ubuntu on ubuntu 20.04 randomly
  exits with [...]

The bug reporter got back with some logs
and files collected via apport. Since the
bug is not easily reproducible, I am not quite
sure what's the best way forward. That said,
me/Paride are looking into it.

  LP: #1955413 - *(Confirmed) [containerd] -
  Update to containerd 1.5.9

That seems to be a fair ask and I know we're
going to update the entire container stack
in sometime. I mentioned the same and
subscribed Lucas Kanashiro to the bug.

- u

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