2014-03-18 18:44 GMT+01:00 Jimmy Sjölund <ji...@sjolund.se>:

> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Tobiasz Karoń <unf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey!
>> I wonder if Ubuntu Studio is replacing the old images used in the
>> installation process.
> Yes.
>> I think particularly about graphic and audio applications - I'm using
>> them quite a lot and I think the screenshots could be much more interesting
>> than just a default Blender project with a cube, a single 3D shape in
>> Inkscape et ceatera.
>> I want to make some cool demo images and make them more exciting, showing
>> some more advanced use af the software. Apart from that I think that making
>> some more slides (for example 1 for every major program like Ardour,
>> Audacity, Blender, LMMS, GIMP, Inkscape, Rakarrack...
>> What I need from you:
>> - what images to make (what programs to showcase? how many slides?)
>> - what to include (any details you want to be exposed?)
>> - what to avoid (I won't include nude characters or such, really)
>> - image format (PNG, JPG?)
>> *- image dimensions (how big?)*
> Unfortunately you're a few days late. The GUI freeze was on the 13th of
> March and I believe Zequence is finalizing the slideshow for the installer
> today (or it might already be done). But there's always the next release. =)
Oh! Funny :D Well, I guess this stuff will be ready in 5 months :D

Also: Musescore could be included, it's a great tool and I guess everyone
who used Finale would want to see it.

> /Jimmy
> --
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Tobiasz *unfa*

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