On Tue, 19 May 2015, lukefro...@hushmail.com wrote:

Speaking of Debian, the US menus work just fine in upstream
Debian Unstable. My main systems have been converted to that
due to worries about the Snappy situation. Thus, I can test US packages
in upstream Debian Unstable without setting up a new OS partition.

It should. I tested it with everything I could find... even a script to convert xdg menus to fvwm menus... The only thing that may not work is getting the nice layout in the root menu where we have our workflows grouped together at the top (there is a bug in most standard menu config files). But other than that it should just work.

In fact, I think that putting studio.menu (from /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/) in ~/.config/menus/ would work for the user in question (not system wide) just as well.

I do feel that I could split studio.menu into more than one file so that just one workflow could be used. That is someone who is just using the Graphics workflow might be just as happy with all audio apps in multimedia for example. Then again it is just a quick thought off the top of my head and perhaps doesn't really make sense.

Len Ovens

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