On Sat, Jun 27, 2015, at 11:58 PM, Len Ovens wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Jun 2015, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> > and is only sensible if there are no other categories that further
> > define the desktop file. So, at least one of these two:
> > * AudioVideo;Audio
> > * AudioVideo;Video

Come to think of it (and I'm not fully sure about this yet), desktop
files belonging to audio, or video, or both, should have at least this:
 * AudioVideo;<atLeastOneAdditional>;
 * AudioVideo;Audio;<atLeastOneAdditional>;
 * AudioVideo;Video;<atLeastOneAdditional>; 

I can't think of any application that doesn't belong to at least one
additional category but, perhaps there is?

> Yes, except that AudioVideo;Audio and AudioVideo would be enough so long 
> as All the Audio applications have AudioVideo;Audio. Most Video 
> Applications are AudioVideo and it is hard to argue they should include 
> Video without most of them also being Audio, ie. AudioVideo;Audio;Video;

If something is both Audio and Video, then it is AudioVideo.

It is true, that technically you won't need ever need Video, if you want
to separate Audio from Video applications. But, I'm sure you agree that
would be going too far with optimizing the number of categories.

> >> Tuner may be used in two ways, some people include it for an FM tuner and
> >> others use it for an instrument tuner. The FM tuner should have Player as
> >> well, In my opinion.
> >
> > Player specifies something that plays audio or video files. A tuner does
> > not do that, right?
> An FM tuner or TV tuner plays an RF Audio/AudioVideo stream in effect. An 
> instrument tuner analyzes incoming audio and compares it to known 
> frequencies. Playing is not just files, it applies to streams too.

The Tuner category is not specified for instrument tuners, so it
shouldn't be used for that. Only for radio tuners.
An instrument tuner does seem like an audio utility. We could also use

> > I do think we should add the Tuner to the multimedia playback category
> > in the menu though.
> Yes, the instrument tuner would be comfortable in Utility, 
> AudioVideo;Audio;Utility or AudioVideo;Audio;X-AudioUtility. It would not 
> be out of place in Accessories so to me the second uses the best 
> combination with no new categories.

Yes. We can't use a main category, like Utility, if we can't accept the
desktop file to also appear there.

> There are a number of applications that use X-Jack. This may help put 
> things like xjadeo in the right place.

Yes, I think we should use X-Jack for anything that supports jack. Also,
add it as a keyword, if not present. I'm thinking we add keywords while
changing the categories in the desktop files, which comes after we made
our suggestions in the wiki.

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