> On 29.10.2015, at 19:37, set <pub...@sakrecoer.com> wrote:
>> On 2015-10-29 18:22, lukefro...@hushmail.com wrote:
>> I agree with this. No way in Hell I would set up a machine for my sister with
>> Debian Unstable, and not one of the Ubuntu flavors are involved in the whole
>> Unity controversy.
> Please consider writing a guide on how to use ubuntustudio and what to
> think of when engaging in activism and source-protective journalism!
> That could also make a great post on http://ubuntustudio.org

Perhaps activism shouldn't be mentioned regarding legal issues. "Activism" in 
context of computers has much to do with "Distributed Denial of Servic", 
"Guerilla Open Access Manifesto" and some kind of hacktivism even is considered 
as being an issue for free journalism.

The averaged hacktivist doesn't need hints and the best hint for unexperienced 
computer users such as journalists, is not to use a computer for journalism at 
all and not to own a mobile or tablet PC.

It might be useful to clarify some issues with browsers, e.g. problems with 
auto-completion of search engines, safe browsing, but also when a sandbox is 
useful or not. Why wrong usage of encryption and signing is more dangerous, 
then being aware that data isn't safe. Even the man page of "shred" informs 
that the default file system used by Ubuntu Studio renders "shred" useless. 
Enabling popcon and stuf like this shouldn't be done.

A high level of security and a user-friendly OOTB average desktop experience 
are mutually exclusive.

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