
This is absolutely amazing stuff. Putting it on a wiki would definitely
make it a living document that can be updated as Ubuntu Studio evolves.
In fact, I would like to officially extend an invitation to join our
documentation team.

To get started, sign-up for an account on and
then let us know where to find your account ([us
ername]). From there, we can add you to the Documentation team and get
the ball rolling from there.

If Ryan Hoover (aka SlidingHorn) is reading this, I'd like him to fill
you in on where we are at. That said, I think your handbook deserves an
entire section on the official wiki (
io). As soon as you get that launchpad account, we can add you to the
documentation team which should help at least speed-along whatever
access is needed.

Thank you for this! I can't wait to read it!


On Fri, 2018-06-01 at 22:29 -0400, Peter Reppert wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote a handbook called "Ubuntu Studio For Musicians" that covers
> most of the out-of-the-box programs, recording, mastering, making a
> CD, the basics of sound synthesis, and revkiews of some free VST
> instruments (see TOC below).    I would like to put this guide in the
> public domain, and would like to know the best way to go about it? 
> Parts of it could possibly be incorporated into the wiki pages (i
> just put in a request for a wiki documentation account). 
> I have been using Ubuntu Studio for a few years and relying mostly on
> the forum for answers (along with the excellent online Ardour
> manual).  Let me know if you think this 50-page handbook would be
> useful, and if so, could I get help editing it? Also where it might
> be posted as a standalone manual and easily found?  This was written
> with version 16.04, and is intended for beginner/intermediate
> users.  
> Table Of Contents
> 1. About this book
>     Who this book is for
>     Why buy this book? 
>     How to use this book – know what's possible
>     Companion matter, if any  - web site, disk, etc.
>     About the author/acknowledgements
> 2. Getting started
>     Gear on a budget
>     How to find out if your old laptop can run Ubuntu
>     System Requirements 
>     Running Ubuntu from media
>     Installing Ubuntu Studio 
>     Configuring and testing your soundcard
>     Connecting with JACK and Patchage 
> 3. Overview of out-of-the-box instruments and effects
>     Sound Generators 
>         Hexter
>         Aeolus
>         Synthv1
>         Qsynth, drumkv1, samplev1
>         Amsynth
>         Hydrogen
>     Audio Processors
>         Guitarix
>         Rakarrak
>         Make your guitar a MIDI controller
>     Tools and Utilities 
>         Major file types
>         Tools for DJs 
>             Internet DJ Console
>             SuperLooper
>             TerminatorX
> 4. Basic recording for musicians
>     Audacity
>     Ardour
> 5. Using VST plugins
>     Install Wine
>     Install and run Carla
>     Configuring and using Carla
> 6. Advanced recording in Ardour
>     Punch-ins
>     Looping
>     MIDI tracks
>     Fade-in Fade-out
>     Automation
>     Grouping tracks
>     Creating a bus and inserting effects
>     Additional advanced topics
>     LinVST
> 7. Mixing and mastering
> 8. Creating your own SoundFont with Swami
> 9. Sharing your music
>     Creative Commons
>     Copyright registration
>     Royalty collection agencies
>     Making a CD
>     Sheet music with MuseScore
> 10. Sound synthesis 101 
>     Knob acronyms
>     Ten Things To Try On Any Synthesizer
>     Approaches to sound synthesis
>     Patch tutorials
>         Funk Bass
>         Arpeggiator
>         Crafting Noise
>         Siren
> Appendix
>     Troubleshooting
>     Using the command line
>     Links and resources

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